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At the very least for some quick cash and to adjust to desired feminine level. Jack Report. Bored-of-grind, I always start the game with one million golds and full stats as much as I want.
Its easy to manipulate the data if you know some javascript, search the object SugarCube. Anyway, if you dont know anything about coding, just ignore my comment. Richard Report. MagnumPI Report. Bootiful Report. MagnumPI, As far as I can tell the latest update increased the Relationship cap on at least the father, likely mother as well, added the ability to go to classes and unlock the final level of jobs supposedly but there is only one job that has it at this time I think the hospital job was available earlier but I only just discovered it and as a gay man I have no interest in the women at all.
Firstly, yes you need to hit enter at the very start to 'enter' your name. Sadly after testing every path I could find, I can't find a way to get Gabby to perform the ritual on me, so it looks like the MC is stuck with a dick permanently. Caitlyn Report. Damon Report. RaynXII Report. Lexi Report. Blorp Report. What's the name of the man on the 13th floor? I was told "Matty Kings" by a passer by but that doesn't work SkyHard Report.
Jerkfree Report. Select your new mobile network The two codes serve very different purposes. A PUK code is required if your handset becomes blocked e. From start to finish, it takes one working day between you submitting your PAC Code to the phone number being transferred to your new network two working days if you submit your PAC Code late in the afternoon or evening.
When this happens, you should restart the phone on your new network. Phone number transfers normally take place on the next working day after you submit your PAC Code two working days if you submit your PAC Code in the afternoon or evening after the daily cut-off time.
Therefore, assuming there are no bank holidays, the following table shows when you can expect your phone number transfer to take place:.
The first step in transferring your phone number is getting a PAC Code from your old mobile network. A PAC Code allows you to move your phone number to a different mobile network. ABC You can normally get a PAC Code instantly from your mobile network, either using their website or app or by sending a text message as follows:.
You can also get a PAC Code by calling your mobile network. In this case, you should expect it to take a little bit longer as your mobile network can try to persuade you to stay with them. Once issued, your PAC Code will be valid for 30 days. You should write it down, keeping it somewhere safe and secure treat it like you would a password. If early exit fees apply to your contract, you should be told about these when you request your PAC Code. Alternatively, you can text INFO to to find out what the early exit fees are for ending your contract.
Please select the network you're moving to: EE. Unless you choose to use your PAC Code straight away, your new phone or SIM card will initially have a temporary phone number assigned to it. This will allow you to spend a little bit of time to make sure everything works correctly before submitting the PAC Code and completing the number transfer process.
You still get the same apps from the same app stores. I thought we all knew this back when Candace was shilling for it. Freedom phones were made in China. They were a grift. And just because of the name people bought them. So we've got a lot of infrastructure coming up but playing videos on big screens TVs means you either go through Roku, Apple or Google who will restrict channels based on content. What's needed is an open app environment that will allow an infoars "app" to allow streaming to a large screen.
It's just slightly less convenient and slightly more complicated than using a dedicated TV device. As usual, no one read the terms first. And will therefore be shocked and surprised when the service does exactly what it said it would do in the ToS. Is that what you agree too? Yet another boilerplate service? I thought we needed something different? Will this be a free speech platform?
I retain all rights to my content, and license it only under my own terms. Theirs are not acceptable. Got it. I'm moderate right-wing, and I think this is necessary when people make our new platform look bad with racial slurs and anti-semitism. If it's moderated similarly to this site, I'm a happy camper. I agree with your sentiments about free speech - the more free speech the better even if it offends someone. The bill of rights was written to limit federal power and the first amendment specifically addresses Congress not private businesses.
Just because it doesn't work for edgelords doesn't mean it can't be a good platform for conservatism. Its not going to last there, yes, but I don't think it will matter. I think this will transform the social media landscape in a massive way. It'll be good to help conservative boomers off of Facebook.
They need something to transition to so they can see photos of their grandkids. Look, I have my doubts about patriot-created social medias. The only one that in my opinion has been successful has been gab. What I would hope for are geolocational social medias the popular tab filters results based on geolocation, meaning that you get more local information, which encourages you to think locally and decentralized social medias. I think either of those two options will be able to be just unique enough that they can pose a significant challenge to Big Tech.
He didn't have a chance to try Parler, and he won't join Gab. Why can't Trump just throw his support behind an already established service. If not Gab, then there are others like it run by people similar to Torba with a smaller user base that he could build on.
Why would Trump be stupid enough to put his "free speech" in the hands of someone else? Torba himself has dissed Trump a few times. There's no guarantee that Trump won't be deplatformed again. The best option is to be on his own social network so his free speech won't be at the mercy of someone else.
It's not about that. The real question is why Trump would bother promoting someone else's business with his very worthy name for free, when he can attempt to make his own business and make money off of it. Because at this point it's not about making money for Trump.
It's about what's best for the movement and the future of America. Torba stands for whatever benefits himself regardless of who he disrespects in his path. Let's not kid ourselves. He did nothing but whine and throw tantrums because Trump never joined Gab.
It's childish. Torba will attack and slander Truth Social just like he's done to every right wing social app that he doesn't control. Back when trump considered going on Gab, his Son in law correctly identified Torba as an anti semite and racist, advising the president to stay away. Good thing he did. Gettr just based on the name alone you knew it would flop. Same with Parler. Trump on the other is a great marketer and always picks the best names, slogans, etc.
But I am cs not business, so maybe I'm completely wrong. It has an agenda. Albeit a positive one, but an agenda none the less which means it loses credibility. It's mostly about marketing rather than the platform itself. Trump having such a huge base and marketing flair, he'll have a ton of users from day 1. Everything else will fall into place, you get the users and the ad money money, investments, etc. The answer to any of the "why won't Trump do this thing that makes sense and would be wildly popular" questions is Jared and Ivanka.
Movies can be shown that would never be shown under the current Hollywood or independent systems. Same here, but using it in an ad might really piss some lefties off. Though I don't think he is going for that currently. It's probably because they knew apple would be harder to get access to, as android allows people to download apps from a browser alongside of their official store. Not sure why you got downvoted, but rolling out a web app to a single locked down platform first will definitely make the bugs easier to work out, and then port the app.
It is to muscle apple into acceptance. Will apple cokcblock 70 million pre-orders? Their latest ideas for product innovation are moving the cameras on the phone, a Tesla car idea, and cryptocurrency rumor. What's to say there isn't parallel development and that the platform won't work browser based?
You simply don't know because it isn't released yet. Preorder the app. Invest as soon as this goes public. I would quit my job to clean bathrooms for this organization.
Its perfect uses language to anger leftists just like they use black lives matter, media matters etc… commies subvert language in the same way.
What is the big plan once Apple says, no? That is a lot of money to spend to allow someone else to have power over you. Google store isn't any better. I hope they will not ask for phone numbers to register.
I won't play that game. The pessimist in me says this plan isn't fleshed out and all and there simply is no plan for when Apple does the inevitable. The optimist in me says that this plan has been in the works for a while, as evidenced by Trump's refusal to join other social networking sites begging for him and Trump alluding to this thing for a while now. If that's the case, there may be a plan. Considering he mentions Apple's app store in this announcement tweet, but doesn't even mention Google, I wouldn't be surprised if there have already been talks with Apple directly.
Additionally, the optimist in me says that this being publicly traded means it could have billions of dollars thrown at it; enough to hire the best IT engineers, enough to hire the best lawyers, and enough for Apple and Google to think twice before tossing it aside.
Okay, but can I throw one last option here? What if this is actually a trap set for these big companies. We can hope, but it's still a hard case to win. Who knows what the lawyers may have up their sleeves because simply removing an app from your app store from a person you don't like isn't directly illegal. It would have to be an indirect argument like "by removing my app and claiming it violates ToS, you defamed me as onlookers believe I violated the ToS, which I did not do and you removed it arbitrarily.
I'm sure they won't release their plan, also assuming they have one ready to go. Whoever on his team is listening - start recruiting heavily from conservative tech circles. They oddly exist in SV. I got the news on this late been afk all day. All the fucking doomers in this thread need to just fuck off and kill themselves listen to the pathetic pussies who probably call themselves men.
You whine when people don't do something - you whine when people do something. If people care enough they will work out how to use it. If you build it they will come. I remember when fucking normies didn't even know how FB worked or Twitter - then everyone was reticent about Parler but when that got shut down they managed to make Gab work.
Not everyone is a whiney bitch but this thread sure does showcase a lot of them. Sound like a bunch of women but unlike me you don't even have tits to offer. This was the best stock tip of the century. If the money holds, it will gain again tomorrow.
Do not fall for the slight fall from the commies. I initially bought planning to sell before market close, but the more I've thought on it, the more I want to support the company and be part of something bigger. So I'm taking the gamble. Will report back. Kinda holding off for the obvious cool down and dip and to try to capture that and jump back in. Wish me luck. Anyone else already in, hope it rips for you. I laughed at the libs who poo pooed it and told them they missed out. We need this All Posts.
Win uses cookies, which are essential for the site to function. We don't want your data, nor do we share it with anyone. I accept. Comments sorted by: top new old worst. Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us I actually hope so. I don't buy the Q stuff, but I'd prefer that reality over the actual one. If he's doing this to fight back, he's setting himself up to lose!
No joking here. Apple, Google, they'll both ban his app for a variety of reasons, just like they did Gab. Then he'll be stuck with a web app only, which has proven to be lesser than. It's unfortunate, but that's reality. The fight is bigger than an app. Falsely paint TMTG as a platform for domestic terrorists, crazies, nazis, etc.
I don't think this was the approach Trump should have taken. Maybe he just wanted to make Patriots rich? Who knows. I'm suggesting that Trump could have gotten private funding outside of Wall Street.
Public listed companies no longer have constitutional Rights? Explain that to me. It's really simple. You have public and private behaviors. You have similar options online with various degrees. And the Board dictates who the agents Executives of the corporation are. So the notion of a publicly traded company representing Free Speech is absurd, at best.
Yep, yuge for his pocketbook lol. I can't believe no one sees through this grift. Corporations getting to own and profit from slave labor private prison labor , deny first amendment rights big tech , second amendment rights no firearms allowed in businesses, by employees Its retarded and should have been stopped long ago.
Good question, there was a lawsuit and I remember hearing something about it through Barnes. If Trump did sue, nothing will happen for a couple years at least. Wait, what happened? Why not Gab? Why couldnt he rely on GAB ,? Of all the platforms he 'd have most freedom there.
You should do both. Visit the website direct. I visit patriots. I know that's anecdotal, but that part of the Q deal wouldn't actually stun me.
You're absolutely right. This pretty much sums it up. You know it's a lie, but you want it to be true. I'm not a normie by any means and I can admit the name is horrendous. God awful naming decisions. I can think of a more brandable one in a second. And this was over just like a minute. They have months if not years. Your name choices are beyond horrid.
They sound like a retarded 3 year old learning to talk. I wish. The only issue is that this phrase was specifically said to be posted on Twitter. Just set up a crontab to grep the cell tower ap to find out why you can't make calls duh. I love Linux onboarding attempts.
I would love to switch to an Ubuntu phone but none of them work properly. Every project aimed at creating a privacy-focused phone has been a flop, sadly. If only they could make it 3 inches thinner so that it could fit in a standard pocket.
You mean like Gettr appears to be doing reasonably well. Whether or not it is successful after the launch is an open question;.
I don't use apps to look at. Trump could get 50 million installs in one day if the service went live and was reasonably good. Feels good man. But, let us all rejoice that you really no longer need java for anything. HTML5 is far superior. There are no good installers?
Download the apk and launch it. That is all that is needed. Standard android does not have a built in installer for. Big league.
Remember that? This is wild. Looked through the company website a ton Some amazing ideas! The streaming platform claims to be rivaling Netflix, Disney, etc.
I'm very excited for all of this. Can't wait to see it come out. Some good news. It's been a little bleak and generally awful for a while now. Destruction is instant. Building things takes time. This is a big problem with our messaging and one of the reasons we've lost cultural relevance. People need to understand again that doing things is difficult while doing nothing is easy.
Something like Comcast maybe. I hope Trump can, over time, pull off rivaling them. You said it: billions in new capital will come in very quickly. Definitely some things will still be censored. Hint: The reason Trump didn't join Gab. The first thing many leftists will do on his new app is sign up, and post white supremacist shit If the platform truly allows freedom of speech, then people should be allowed to post white supremacist shit without being censored.
Also the way section is intended to be used, no moderation will make them a platform. Got banned from everything. Every issue is packed with easy to follow guides, in-depth reviews, and unique commentary from our panel of system building experts. Our goal is to tell you everything you need to know about PCs, system building, and the latest hardware releases, including the stuff you never thought you needed to know.
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