Chrome not downloading pdfs android phone

Post the code, I may help you. I posted code already. I still can't download pdf files with Chrome on Android. But I managed to download those with Firefox already. Please say something. I'm desperate now. If the code is not clear, tell me. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. Community Bot 1 1 1 silver badge. Check this link also zacktutorials.

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Asked 6 years, 1 month ago. Active 5 years, 7 months ago. Viewed 21k times. Improve this question. While you have self-answered the question, could you explain some info about data migration from Nexus 5 to 5X? Probably this can give some info why this issue happened.

I would like to be readable directly in the browser. Unfortunately, there is as far as I know no way to do this automatically in Chrome you can always paste the URL manually every time you want to open a PDF file but that's not very practical.

However, if you use a browser that supports extensions, it's possible to use an extension to automatically redirect PDF files to this URL. Unfortunately, you can't do this on any well-known browsers Chrome and Edge for Android don't support extensions at all, and Firefox for Android only supports a very limited set of extensions , but there are less well-known browsers where you can do this.

The one I use is Kiwi I have no association with its author. Once you've installed Kiwi or another browser that supports Chrome extensions , install the Redirector extension I have no association with its author. Next, click on the three dots on the top right, scroll down, click "Redirector", then click on the "Edit Redirects" button, and then click on "Create new redirect":. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group.

Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Asked 1 year, 1 month ago. As a new user, you get confused as to what is really the problem, what ie actually preventing the Pdf file from opening on my android smartphone.

This requires the user to go to the google play store, and download the pdf file app on the android phone. I got to notice that some of these low-end android smartphones tend not to come with a pre-installed pdf app. Another cause of not being able to open a pdf file on your android maybe because of corrupt or bad pdf file app.

You should know that the pdf file app installed on your android phone has gone bad or probably corrupt and should be replaced. Replacing it only involves you removing the corrupted pdf app, and going to the google play store to download a new one.

Doing so will help you to open pdf files on your android phone. In order to verify and confirm that your pdf app installed on your phone is working, I recommend you to download another pdf file from a different source or website.

Open the pdf file and if it does open, then you should know that the other pdf file is bad or poorly formatted. The only solution is to download one from the Google play store.

I repeated from Google play store and not anyone you see on this app file sharing websites. Some of them installed a virus or Trojan into their apk files.


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