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To take advantage of Windows SideShow, your application must register for the service. The Windows Vista Software Development Kit includes a Windows SideShow-compatible device simulator that developers can use to test their gadgets without physical hardware. The SDK also includes sample gadgets that work with the simulator and illustrate how to build a simple gadget for Windows SideShow.

These guidelines describe how you can optimize the computing experience for your mobile PC users by following established user interface design principles in your application, whether or not the application is designed specifically for mobile computing scenarios. These guidelines include the following topics:. All you need now is the will to develop and the time to write code. We all know how hard it is to get those. My Subscriber Account Advertise Write. Training Home State of.

Staffing Home Looking for Staff? Looking for Work? Contact Us. Dark Kimbie. Published in:. Tablet PC features that enable input, recognition, and rendering of ink. User experience guidelines for developers of mobile applications.

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This namespace contains APIs that handles the stylus packet data from a digitizer in real time. The first version of my game used nine InkEdit controls. InkEdit controls are primarily built to accept and display multiple characters, and even multiple lines, of text. An edit control is less usable when you only want to accept a single character, which is what my program required. It also does not work well when you want the character drawn in a particular way, which in my case meant having an X or an O occupy the whole client area of a single InkEdit window.

I experimented with increasing the font size and playing other tricks. As I increased the font size, I also increased the chances that entered text would get scrolled outside the viewing area. Also, I wanted the X or O to be centered both horizontally and vertically in the game square. But the InkEdit class tries to align text top-left.

I could probably have made accommodations for this, but it occurred to me that the appearance of Arial or Times New Roman characters had the wrong feeling for a game that I used to play with crayons on scratch paper. The text recognition worked well, but for my purposes it worked too well. A user could write anything in a game square, which meant that I would have to validate the input, requiring more code.

At the start, I thought I could adjust for these shortcomings, but in the end I decided to try another approach. My next attempt was to ink-enable my program's main window. Because this was a managed code program, the main window was an instance of the Form class.

The most important thing I needed was a blank canvas to draw my game grid, and the ability to connect an InkCollector object to the window to retrieve pen events, manage the ink, and convert the input to the required game input.

The results of this experiment demonstrate a key design element of ink input. All the ink-as-text seen by an InkCollector is expected to be part of a continuous text block. So when my program went to retrieve the game input, it received a string that contained a set of X and O characters that were clumped together in a single string.

For example, on the third move of a game, the string "XOX" might be returned. While this may have been correct for the letters that were being written, this string excluded all information about the specific game squares that were being played. Location information for text entered was lost because the recognizer did not provide any place holders for empty squares.

Because my game needed various functionalities that were quite different from what could easily be achieved with built-in controls, I decided that I would have to build more custom elements than I had originally anticipated.

My final design used nine windows and nine InkCollectors. I used the panel control for each game square because, like a form, a panel provides a blank customizable canvas. While I used a recognizer to determine what had been drawn in a game square, I did not replace the ink on the display screen with a text character. Keeping the ink as ink retained the flavor of the game as experienced when played on paper. There are other alternatives that I did not try.

One would be to use nine InkPicture controls. This would have allowed me to retain the ink feel, with perhaps less work on my part. A second alternative would have been to have a single input window with nine InkCollectors. Multiple InkCollectors can be connected to a single window as set with the SetWindowInputRectangle method , provided no overlap exists between input rectangles.

Ink-enabling a custom input window is useful when you need multiple input areas. When a program creates such a window, it has the option of leaving the ink as ink, or converting the ink to text and displaying the results as text. After all, a data entry form might consist of both ink and text windows. Ink windows would be appropriate for signatures and hand-drawn diagrams. Text windows would be appropriate for other entry fields..

My program owns the custom input windows, which required a bit more work than I had hoped. But it provided the greatest amount of control over the input, processing, and display of game data. The UI consists of nine white panels arranged on a black form, which produces the effect of having lines between game squares.

Each panel has its own InkCollector object. For ink programming with managed code, you need to reference the Microsoft. You reference the proper namespace like this:. If your Tablet PC programs reference the updated assemblies that ship with version 1. The version of Microsoft. The assembly that comes with the SDK version 1.

On the subject of versions of assemblies, the first generation of Tablet PCs ships with the. NET , you must be sure to set the runtime version to 1. Figure 17 shows the initialization of the InkCollectors when the form receives a Load event. The two arrays allow each set of objects to be put into loops when all objects must be searched or operated on in other ways. Each InkCollector object generates various ink-specific events. As each InkCollector object is created and initialized, my initialization code connects an event handler for the Stroke event to each InkCollector.

The Stroke event is triggered when ink has been collected from a sequence of user actions that include touching the screen with the pen tip, moving the pen, and removing the pen tip from the screen described later. The last action taken by the load event handler is to record the size of the form's client area.

My game uses the initial size when the size of the form changes, when the ink inside each panel must be scaled to maintain a consistent look no matter how large or small the individual game squares become. I'll describe the details of this operation later, in the discussion of the Resize event. A key benefit of managed code is support for automatic garbage collection for managed memory. There are times, however, when objects must be explicitly freed.

Ink objects are implemented in native code as COM objects, and so care must be taken to release unmanaged resources in a timely fashion. These include the InkCollector object. Figure 18 shows the Dispose method for my form. Notice that I first removed the event handler on the InkCollector and then disposed of the InkCollector itself. This is described in more detail in Knowledge Base article , which I referenced earlier. For each of these controls, events are generated by the control in response to changes in the input state.

Some of the input events for the InkCollector are surrogates for mouse input. The two "packet" events let you know when raw input is being received; it's useful, but not for my game.

The two "gesture" events let you know when an application or system gesture has been detected. I considered using gestures in this game, but was not able to find a gesture that matched the X although the O did have a related gesture. The final ink input event is the Stroke event. A stroke corresponds to all of the points collected from the time the user pushes down with the pen, through all movements of the pen and until he lifts the pen.

My game looks for the Stroke event to detect when the user has generated ink. The same index also refers to the associated panel that the InkCollector occupies. I created a bit mask for the current square by shifting the value 1 left by the window number, which resulted in iWindow. NET Framework, a significant portion of the Microsoft. NET applications written in various languages. NET Framework's common language runtime. As such, you can call the APIs from any.

It also collects digital ink and gestures from the movement of the pen. They allow us to quickly integrate pen and ink functions into a new or existing application.

The controls can be easily dragged onto forms in a language that supports forms-based software development, such as VB. If you remember the section earlier in this chapter, there are ActiveX Ink controls and managed Ink controls.

InkEdit: This control is an extension of the common RichEdit control and captures and can also convert ink into text. This is the quickest way to add conversion to an application.

InkPicture: This control is used to display or capture ink over existing images. When dealing with Tablet PC development, it is quite obvious that we need to take advantage of ink for data entry. But, it is definitely not the only one. As the Tablet PC was created with portability in mind in which a keyboard is not always readily available, speech also plays an important role in software development.

Along the same lines, we are also going to take advantage of Microsoft Agent Chapters 19 and 20, Getting Started with Microsoft Agent and Advanced Microsoft Agent, respectively technologies for a couple of example projects. We go over more of each of them as we encounter them. In the remaining chapters, we actually look at the more involved aspects of the development tool as we create a Tablet PC-specific application in each of them.

Feedback will be sent to Microsoft: By pressing the submit button, your feedback will be used to improve Microsoft products and services. Privacy policy. This section contains samples that show how applications can be developed with C , Microsoft Visual Basic.

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