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One of the intriguing new aspects of Knights of the Old Republic 2 is the inclusion of a system that will let you bend your teammates to your will. If you become a truly evil character, then you can expect the alignments of your teammates to adjust accordingly. If, on the other hand, you treat everyone you meet with kindness and respect, then you can expect the fellow travelers aboard the Ebon Hawk to become more oriented towards the Light Side of the Force.

If you could take that annoying undergraduate who liked Ayn Rand just a bit too much and put her into a video game, then Kreia would probably be the result. This wizened Jedi is a wearingly cynical, and encourages you at every opportunity to act only in your own self-interest, and will chide you every time you happen to help people with problems, or even if you happen to take notice of them. Still, though, Kreia has really good starting stats, and, like Jolee in the original KOTOR, will have an easier time skirting the difference between the Light Side and Dark, allowing her to more easily access powers from either side of the fence without incurring penalties.

In combat, Kreia is naturally suited for wielding a lightsaber in one hand. Luckily, this is one of the easiest stats to increase via equipment and lightsaber crystals. Since we had her outfitted with a lightsaber, Dueling and Toughness were natural choices, but you can browse through the tree and see what you want her to have. Force Powers: Kreia will have no shortage of powers to choose from here. If you wish for her to use abilities in combat, then level up things like Fear and Shock.

Light Side characters will probably want to have Kreia focus on the damaging Dark Side powers, due to the difficulty of bending her alignment too far from the middle of the road. His unique Tech Specialist class allows him to access almost every technical skill as a Class Skill, meaning that you can continue to level them up without having to invest double points in them at each level up.

If you come up across an energy field, you can use Bao-Dur to blast through it. He also packs the decent Unarmed Specialist Feat, which will help him dish out a bit of pain while wading into battle with nothing but his fists. In addition to his combat and field tech abilities, Bao-Dur will be able to upgrade your droid party members on occasion, giving them valuable stat boosts. Know him, love him, keep him progressing in everything he can. You might actually wind up having too many points, and will have to start dispensing them into cross-class skills.

Atton Rand is the latest in a long series of extended universe Han Solo wannabes, following in the footsteps of Dash Rendar, Carth Onasi, and the like. If you use Atton a lot, in fact, and manage to either boost up his morale or mercilessly crush his self-esteem, you can eventually convert him into a Jedi Sentinal.

Visas will bring some much-needed muscle to parties led by a Consular. The only characters who might not want to use Visas all that much will be Guardians, who can usually do the combat damage required by themselves just fine; having two offensively-minded Jedi in the party can lead to a diluted supply of lightsaber crystals.

Sentinals and Consulars will appreciate having another powerhouse along, though, especially since Visas is the only character besides Kreia who will actually join your party as a Jedi; everyone else will have to be coaxed and prodded along the long road to Forcehood. Awareness and Treat Injury are your only real options here.

Feats: Obviously enough, Finesse: Lightsabers should be the first item on your docket, followed by Two-Weapon Fighting and Flurry for even more fun. G0 has a unique method of blackmailing you into bringing him along on your journey. One of the few characters to return from the original KOTOR, T3-M4 has apparently lost all of the experience he built up over the course of his adventures with Revan.

T3 is probably a bit better than G0-T0 to have along, if only because he has a couple of infinite-use items: the Shock Arm and the Renewable Shield obtainable on Nar Shaddaa. Attributes: As with G0-T0, either Dexterity or Intelligence will be your boosts here, depending on what role you want T3 to play. Skills: Computer Use, Repair, and Security.

These are really all you can give him, unless you want to devote a feat to make something else a Class Skill. Although HK is in pieces at the beginning of the game, the mechanical assassin that we all knew and loved in the first KOTOR is just a few parts away from being restored back to his normal, loving self.

HK, as befitting an assassin droid, is much more capable of dishing out damage in combat than either G0 or T3, but still suffers from the drawback of being unhealable by the Heal Force Power. We hate to dwell on this, but this really does make droids difficult to choose over a flesh-and-blood party member, especially when all HK really has to offer is some nice ranged weapon abilities.

Still, if you want to bring a droid along, this is probably the one; give him your nastiest ranged weapon possible and let him go to town. Attributes: Dex, Dex, Dex. This is really the only stat that makes any sense to increase for HK She has the same complicated relationship with Wookiees as Mission did, though, which will help to set up some of the drama on Nar Shaddaa. In combat, Mira relies on her ranged abilities to deal damage. Her free Precise Shot feat will help out in this regard, which is useful, since her little Wrist Launcher thing is pretty much useless in the late game; ammo is tough to find save for the rockets , and even when you do use it, enemies will almost always make their saves.

Difficult fights in this game are few and far between, though, so this is really more of an entertaining diversion than it is a real powerhouse move. Hanharr is something of a Dark Side counterpart to Mira, and will only join your party if you have done enough evil acts to earn yourself the attention of the Dark Side of the force. When you do, though, you should find that he can outdamage pretty much anyone in the game thanks to his massive strength. If you happen to use Hanharr a lot, be sure to keep him outfitted with the best implants that Bao-Dur can possibly make.

Feats: Again, Master Two-Weapon Fighting is non-negotiable here; get Hanharr up and running with a pair of swords, or a dual-bladed weapon, then get him up to snuff with Flurry or Critical Strike.

Be sure to put the best upgrades into his armor to buff it out a bit. Attributes: Although Strength is going to be your likely recipient for most of the normal stat upgrades, be sure to use at least one of them to get Mandalore up to level 16; this will let you use higher-tier implants than he normally would be able to.

Be sure to continually buff out his Treat Injury, which will let him heal himself and other party members efficiently. Like the Disciple, she makes either an excellent Soldier or an excellent Jedi, but unlike the Disciple, she will morph into the Jedi Guardian school of thought after the proper training, making her an ideal companion for male Consulars.

Jedi Handmaidens will need Dexterity more, however. Treat Injury, Awareness, Demolitions; the usual bunch. Feats: Since the Handmaiden will almost certainly be focusing on melee combat, be sure to get the Handmaiden Two-Weapon Fighting and either Flurry or Critical Strike or both of them. This golden boy will only join your party if your lead character is female; the resultant chemistry is enough to set Atton on edge, though, leading to some amusing commentary from HK on the nature of love.

Feats: As mentioned, you might want to level up the Disciple as a Soldier to get him some of the nice melee combat Feats, then start working on things like Finesse: Lightsaber and Regenerate Force after he makes the leap. To begin with, leave the cockpit and head into the communications area.

There are plenty of tutorial pop-ups in the Prologue; use them to get acquainted with the game mechanics if you never played the first KOTOR. Your first goal here is to complete the Bonus Mission and heal the character you just generated. Use T3-M4 to open the cylinder next to the bed, grab the medpac within, and "talk" to yourself in order to apply it. In the tradition of disposal RPG tutorial characters, you can find 3C-FD in the Cargo Hold and add him to your party by using one of the parts that you found on the droid corpses in the Main Hold.

You can also find a Field Survival Pistol and some droid armor by examining the crates here; the latter is located in a locker which is unlocked by the key you found on the body earlier. Obtaining the Field Survival Pistol will also trigger a basic combat tutorial featuring the awesome might of targeting drones, so dispatch them after equipping your pistol. Now that you have all of that junk, head up to the hull of the ship via the lift opposite the Medical Room.

On the Starboard side of the hull, open up all of the hatches and the Engine Port to find multiple Parts, and use one of them on the Exposed Wiring to open up the starboard dormitory. On the Port side, you can recover a pair of mines, and retrieve a third from the impacted Proton Missile.

After interfacing with all of the objects up here, you should have enough Parts to repair the hyperdrive, so head back inside. There is a workbench here, but for now, all you can make is a repair kit with which to repair T3.

The Hyperdrive can be jerry-rigged to full power by using a mere five parts; you should have plenty more than that after all your running around, so fix it up and head back to the cockpit. The Galaxy Map here will get you to Peragus. Unfortunately, the cutscene revealing the survival of HK is just that; a cutscene. For now, we can only wonder - and rejoice - at the prospect of another game filled with meatbag references.

Using it, you can get an idea of what happened to the station if you access the logs - seems that HK has been talking the other droids in the area into doing naughty things. You can also use it to open the morgue door, and can even access the medical storage bay if you have a few points in Security. Head into the morgue bay and grab the plasma torch off the corpse there - this will wake up Kreia, who apparently was aboard the Ebon Hawk with you.

Answer cruelly e. You can easily reverse your course should you wish to. Thanks, Granny. You have that plasma torch, though, with which you can cut through the damaged door nearby using the Bash command. Even Consular characters will probably want to stick with melee weapons for most of their journey through Peragus. The Damaged Mining Droids in the next room are easy to defeat; they have -4 Dexterity penalties to both their attack rolls and defense, so you should be able to chop through them without a problem.

Do so, and be sure to listen to the one titled "administration console maintenance. As Kreia notes, you should save your game before heading into room beyond, as there are a few droids inside waiting for you. After all of the droids are dead, h4xx0r the Administration Computer and flip the override switch; this will let you access the prison. As before, your choices here can turn you towards a side of the force, so tread lightly.

The administration logs are just more backstory, but if you access Hangar Bay 25 on the comms, you can reach T3-M4, whom you will take control of. To begin with, head south to the Hangar Control Terminal to examine the console there. These guys have shields and as such will be a bit harder to deal with than the Damaged Mining Droids of yesteryear. Still, you should have the requisite tools to dispose of them: the Ion Blast Mark I will drop their shields, allowing you to blast them with impunity, or you can just use an Ion Grenade on them to kill them immediately.

Poor 3CFD is dead, it seems, but you will be able to find some Parts in one of the containers here, which you can use to repair the control panel overlooking the Ebon Hawk. There are a bunch of options on it, so feel free to fool around with a bit; you might want to save your game beforehand in case you run out of Computer Spikes.

The important things to do now are to attempt a repair of the emergency sub-systems, which will reroute them to a terminal in the Fuel Depot. You can then use your Computer skill to open the blast doors to the Fuel Depot. Wander down the now-open hallway, dispatching the Mining Droids make sure they have shields before you use your Ion weapons on them! Do so, and reap your reward! Even the shielded ones will fall to a couple blows from your vibroblade.

You might want to save your game beforehand anyway, though. You can also try to stealth your way by them if you have any stealth abilities. Keep working your way through, though, until you reach the Central Mining Core. What you need to do on the computer here is shut off the containment fields; this will let you reach the turbolift leading down to the hangar, but it will also free all of the droids that were previously penned up.

What you can also do is have them mine the sealed doors, which will open up a passage to the southeast, which will eventually lead to a corpse with some decent stuff on it, including a Cardio-Regulator. Before you move on, though, you can use the workbench here to upgrade or create items, if you wish; if you rooted around downstairs, you may have picked up a Basic Ionite Edge which you can apply to your vibroblade to allow it to deal extra damage to droids, which will obviously come in handy.

If you have some Repair skill, in fact, you can actually make a Long Sword from some components first, then use the Ionite Edge to upgrade that for an even better weapon. Heck, you can even make other edges and cells with the workbench, then implant those, depending on your choice of skills. Play around with it a bit and see what happens! The extra damage v. If you use it and access the logs, you can get around a third of the voice samples you need for the voiceprint, as well as a bit more of the backstory about how the HK unit was able to corrupt all of the droids on the station.

After checking around thoroughly down here, head into the turbolift to reach the administration level. The next bit of the sonic code can be found here, back at the security station you used earlier, so grab it, then head back down to the fuel depot and use the Sonic Sensor on the maintenance station to unlock the door leading to the airlock. Grab the space suit from the locker by the airlock, then head outside. One gets the sense that the incoming ship features one extremely unpleasant customer, if the cutscene is any indication Regardless, your path here leads onward to the Dormitories.

These guys will try to put out the fire that burns inside you by encasing you in carbonite, which deals pure damage. If you can get into the Workbench area directly west of where you entered the level , either with your Security skill or a Security Tunneler, then you should be able to find some insulated gloves that will help you resist the cold. Be certain to re-enter your combat commands if you get frozen; your queue is wiped clean when this occurs. Using it, you can cancel the dormitory emergency lockdown, which will unlock the door across the hall and give you access to the dormitories.

Both of them are filled with poison gases at the moment, but you can slice into the computer to vent those gases elsewhere, if you wish. First off, head into the western dormitories and access the Log Terminal near the entrance. This will eventually become a bit of a mathematical puzzle, as appeared every so often in KOTOR, but for now, all you have are three unconnected digits, so leave it alone for the moment.

The eastern portion of the dormitories are similar in layout to the western; the key items here are the logs from the mine foreman and the dock officer. The logs can be inserted into the terminal in the western dormitory and played back. If you killed the robots here earlier, check their remains; one of them probably dropped a considerably cool pair of Infiltrator Gloves which will give big bonuses to your Security and Computer Use skills.

Anyway, the turbolift code puzzle should be fleshed out in your journal at this point. You only have three numbers, but you have all of the flashcodes which correspond to the numbers. Symbol Number Just from elementary deduction, we can find that a dot is equal to one, a minus symbol is equal to ten, and an X is equal to five. Thus, the full code is 3, 17, 13, 5, 7. Resist the temptation to run up to HK; instead, shoot his little minefield first.

By asking him about this, you can finish off the Medical Bay Murders bonus mission. At the beginning of the fight, switch everyone over to blasters and shoot the mines, then close in on HK himself with your vibroblade and go to town. You can also use Ion grenades, if you have any, for more widespread damage. Put most simply, the closer your personality matches that of a party member, the more likely you are to gain influence over that member.

These invisible Sith will pop up throughout the Harbinger, so be on guard. Your arduous journey to the bridge will begin when you head through the door to the west of your starting point.

Well, that was easier than it sounded. Now all you have to do is make your way through to the fuel line. Unfortunately, there are Sith Assassins roaming this deck, invisible until they begin attacking you. Most of them will have significant dual-wielding penalties, though, so you should still have a big advantage in combat for the moment. After getting the field charts, though, head through the southern door leading from the bridge.

This is one gigantic dead end that winds up near the escape pods, but there are still items to retrieve and Sith to kill for experience, so clear everything out before returning to where you entered the level and busting through the security doors. Scout out the rest of the level, then find the exit to the Crew Quarters and head on down. You can get a bit more backstory here; apparently a Sith Lord was brought aboard, having been thought dead amazing how pesky these Jedi can be , and subsequently rampaged throughout the ship when he regained consciousness, along with his invisible cohorts.

Atton will pipe up as you enter this level; if you want to gain influence, listen to him closely and respond politely, then save your game. Darth Sion will quickly appear, but Kreia will tend to him, leaving you and Atton to fend for yourselves for the meantime.

To begin with, head through the security doors to the east and slice or repair the console here to give you access to the ion engines. Finally, a long sword for my generation! Note that a character with a high Computer skill can attempt to "repair" T3-M4 by talking to him. If successful, you can boost his Intelligence a bit, and will gain influence with him. After you make your way to the main control terminal in the Docking Bay, you can use the Control Conduit on the terminal to open up the door to the hangar.

A better bet is to just bash the console to open the door and then run through. The barrels here are meant to be blown up real good, so feel free to do so. When you reach the Ebon Hawk, check around the hangar for some items on the broken droids, then save your game and hop aboard. If you have trouble shooting the Sith with the turret, try reversing the Y-axis in the Gameplay Options menu; depending on your preferences, you may find this option to be a bit more natural. Some Sith will naturally get past you and into the ship; the exact number will depend on how proficient you were with the turret.

The conversation that ensues in hyperspace is also a good chance to get your force alignment up or down, if only slightly, so read all of the conversation options before picking one.

After speaking with Kreia, the door in the Main Hold will revert from a Blast Door to a Low Security Door, which you should be able to get through if you have any Security skills at all. The rest will have to wait, for the moment, but at least you can get the quest into your logbook. After speaking to Atton again, use the Galaxy Map to get yourself to Telos. Your description of your lightsaber during the conversation here apparently does affect its appearance later in the game, so pick something that sounds cool.

You may remember Telos as the planet that got royally pwned by Malak in the first Knights of the Old Republic game. It appears that the Telosians have decided to rebuild, and have constructed a massive space station from which to control the efforts. Not the brightest star in the bounty hunter galaxy, this one, so take him down with your bare hands.

You can pick up a new mission in Apartment Complex A; speak to Harra there to learn about his long lost girlfriend, whom he gambled away in a game of pazaak. Regardless, offer your services, if you wish, and move on. Note that most of the areas in Citadel Station have Information Stations that will let you download the full maps for them, which is helpful. Your first goal here should be to get your items back.

To do so, head to the Entertainment module through the exit in the long corridor here, then work your way through that area. Regardless, your goal is the TSF Station map point on the western side of the area. Cue the dramatic music, because it appears that your ship has gone missing from the impound dock!

Oh noes! Luckily for you, your inventory items are safely stowed in the TSF office here, so grab them from the lockers and reequip your characters. Now, if you want, you can initiate a new cutscene revealing your ultimate foe by speaking to Kreia and discussing the meaning of mercy with her - the cutscene should immediately follow. Now, if you want to resolve the High Stakes mission, you can do so in the Casino.

You can buy Pazaak cards both in the merchant back in the Entertainment Module and from Mebla Dule in the bar itself. Concentrate on the dual-value cards and the cards with values in the two, threes, and fours.

After you win, you can either take Ramanna right back to Harra although she seems reluctant to go , or just rent her right back to Doton and come back for her earnings later. If you do bring her back to Harra, you can either set Ramanna free, or force her to stay with the guy who sold her into slavery. The choices that will lead to dark side or light side shifts should be obvious First up, head to the Czerka offices located off of the Residential Module East.

The same goes for the Ithorians; you can talk to them by traveling to the Residential Module West and walking into their compound there. No matter which side you If you choose to side with the Czerka, speak to Jana Lorso in their offices and agree to retrieve the Ithorian droid from their hangar in the docking bay. Now that the Czerka have a handle on operations in Citadel Station, they wish to In effect, Lorso wants you to kill the local Exchange boss, one Loppak Slusk.

As mentioned, the Exchange compound is heavily guarded, so the only way in will be through an inside contact. You can find the medical facilities in the Residential Module West, so head on over there and step up to the Communications Terminal within. Do so, then enter the room, where you will, predictably enough, be ambushed by the putative weapons dealers. Heck, you can even kill her afterwards, if you wish. The mercenary population of the Czerka offices will drop sharply after you come back.

After reaching the dock module, speak to the Ithorian in the hallway to be passed through to their hangar. After you meet up with the Ithorians within, the predictable ambush will occur, leaving you and your party to face off against a group of Thugs. They should be relatively easy to dispatch, so kill them off and take possession of the droid. This can lead into a pair of side missions, depending on whom you decide to speak to about it. Head back to Habat for your reward, and one final test.

Still, he wishes you to avoid bloodshed as much as possible snicker , so head down to the cantina and talk to his contact. After you make it down to the cantina, speak to Corrun Falt and maneuver through his conversation tree until you reach the "So how do I get in? In yet another case of vice gone bad, Opo Chano will refuse to help you due to the fact that his Czerka contract helps him pay off his gambling debts.

With them, return to the Czerka Offices and get B-4D4 to follow you outside. Manipulating droids into killing their masters is always a rewarding pastime. After taking control of B-4D4, walk on back to the Czerka offices and speak to Jana Lorso, who will give you access to the mainframe.

Oh, B-4D4, you sooo crazy! Helping them is optional, honestly, but you can get plenty of experience for doing so, so warp back to their compound and head in, chopping through all of the mercenaries that you see. Rescuing the Ithorians is optional, but it makes you feel all fuzzy inside, so do it. Save your game before heading in, as there are plenty of baddies to deal with.

After saving him, you can either pressure him for a reward boo! Luckily for you, though, Bao-Dur is waiting to pull you from the wreckage. These concentrations of mines usually hide caches of goods.

After equipping Bao-Dur you can probably let him whack away with his bare hands, thanks to his Unarmed Specialist training , gear up and start exploring the planet. Your first stop will actually be just to the southwest of your crashed shuttle; if you track down the set of mines and clear them Bao-Dur should have no problems with this , you can find a hidden mercenary cache which seems to usually contain a decent Jedi Robe for you to wear.

If you check the area to the southwest of their position, you can find their second cache; there are other miscellaneous bags on the map, as well, so scout around a bit before moving on to the next zone.

Another similar trap will await you at the Excavation Site, where a Mercenary Droidmaster will sic her battle droids on you while hiding behind some frag mines. Your best bet here is to just run through the mines and take whatever damage comes your way before cutting all of your foes down; they guard the path to the excavation site itself.

The main problem here is the way that another mercenary waits near the main group; after you kill the initial four enemies, your teammates will probably run over to him and start wailing on him as well, then chain from that guy to yet another large group of foes. This will hopefully let you avoid alerting the second group of enemies, and give you some time to rest up before heading back that way and taking them on.

The Old Military Base is a trap-ridden series of corridors; there are numerous droid defenders and poison gas vents scattered around, so be on your guard; if you have any Breath Masks or poison-immunity Implants still hanging around your inventory, now would be a good time to equip them.

Your first really difficult fight here will come shortly after, in the room with the Workbench and Lab Station, as two military droids and four turrets will actively desire to turn you into swiss cheese as you enter. Start your quest by bashing the force field in front of the shuttle; the terminal in the room here will let you shut off all of the gas vents on the level.

Next up is the droid repair station, where another posse of military droids will assault you. From there, you should have a straight shot to the reactor, which you can activate at the terminal. Your next goal is to get the ignition codes for the shuttle; these are located in a footlocker in the security room off of the droid repair room, which you can now access thanks to the opening of all of the doors. Of course, such things are easier said than done; it is a tank, after all.

Be sure to approach the Tank droid only after protecting yourself from its flamethrower attack. Your best bet here is to use one character for melee attacks, and load him or her up with all of your heat-reduction equipment, such as armor with a Environmental Underlay, Insulated Gloves, or an Arkanian Energy Shield.

Or all three! Your other characters should sit back and use their ranged weapons and support abilities to try and deal extra damage to the beast.

Be sure to check all of the remains for another HK part before looking around. Head for the small mound of snow to the southeast of your shuttle and head inside. After being accosted by the Jedi guardians, surrender your weapons and get ready for a couple of cutscenes; the second will lead into a lengthy conversation with Atris, one of the Jedi which cast you out of the Jedi Order after the Mandalorian Wars.

No matter what your actions here, Atris will refuse to return your lightsaber to you and send you packing, with your friends in tow. You might even find a lightsaber crystal! Before you head back to your ship, speak to the woman labelled "Handmaiden" in the Entrance Chamber as opposed to the numerous Handmaiden Sisters.

If you can, try to get Kreia into sharing her backstory; it may be difficult to coax out of her, though, especially if you have a low Wisdom score. After you find the modified pistol in the Ithorian docking bay, you can either earn some Light Side or Dark Side points, depending on what path you choose to follow.

Return the items to Dobo, escort him to the docking bay, then fight him to wind down the quest. The Dark Side version of the quest is a bit more involved. If you actually want to help Dobo in his smuggling operations, head to him instead of Grenn after you find the blaster. Habat will in turn send you to the apartment compounds on the eastern side of the Residential module. All you can do after accosting them is report back to Grenn and either lie and say that you killed them, earning yourself a small reward, or tell the truth about their escape and hope to deal with them on the surface of the planet.

Otherwise, you can probably get off scot-free by either using normal Persuasion techniques or just by intimidating him. Note that, after you cause enough trouble, a gang of thugs will eventually appear at the landing pad and take over your ship.

The other refugees in the area can be bribed into offering up more information, for the low low cost of five credits apiece. The groups involved will begin fighting that Trandoshan has a pretty cool-looking axe, eh?

Kill them all and loot the bodies and the canisters nearby. The swoop shop is going to be your first port of call on the Ebon Hawk signature quest. His immediate predecessor, IT, was apparently destroyed and then bought as scrap by a junk dealer named Kodin. You can find Kodin to the northeast of the swoop shop. Return there and talk to TT for a sizable experience reward and an infinite-use energy shield for T3-M4 if you asked for one earlier. Trade War: Two merchants in the Landing Pad area are going head to head over the sparse pool of customers for their wares, and both are eager to gain an upper hand over the other.

Light Side characters will likely want to side with Geeda, while Dark Side players will probably have more in common with Oondar, but save your game before you talk with them, as one of them will stop selling items to you after this quest is over.

Your ultimate choice will come when you then return to Geeda; you can either stand with her, or tell her to get packing. Whatever you choose, return to Oondar and tell him of your decision to raise your profile with the Exchange. It seems that Lupo, the proprietor of the track, has constructed himself an unbeatable droid that no one wishes to race against, so that no one is betting on any of the races anymore.

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The project name refers to the 4K resolution used and the film's release year of Share this page. World War 3 Check out the trailer for a look at the characters in action. Their arrival kicks off an in-game event featuring a new game mode called Street Brawl where players will fight Street Fighter-style with health bars to show who will be the first to fall in the 2-D fighter setting. Plus, a new K. Effect featuring the iconic, Street Fighter-inspired K.

Additionally, a new 1v1 map based on Suzaku Castle has also been added, as well as four new avatars featuring Zangief, the Shadaloo symbol, a Hadoken, and an animated avatar showing a quarter circle forward punch.

Brawlhalla 8. Halo Infinite Ryan McCaffrey


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